Since mid February, I've been up to a number of things. My mom had her gall bladder removed last month and here's some shots of us in the hospital with her - can you imagine, someone is sick and here we are taking pictures...! Above is Mia playing around for the camera....

Here she is looking very cute....

Kissing Daddy!

Aaron is on the bed while the patient (MamaLuz) is on her feet. Does she look upset?

Mia looking very grown up - she's going to be 2 in April!

Then in mid March I went to Lake Chelan to recover from tooth surgery as well as to write my dissertation. I was determined, even though there was snow on the pass and chains were required. But fortunately, I had a four wheel drive and my trusty highlander pulled me through the traffic and slow moving vehicles. What would have been a 3-1/2 hour drive took me 5 hours to get there!

But it was worth it, here's the view outside my balcony! I was steps from the lake, and it was so quiet and so good for writing. Thanks to my friends Ginny and Larry! I finished my first draft in this tranquil environment, away from everyone, only my ipod to keep me company...and a bottle of wine. I did celebrate with a couple of shots of tequila after I finished writing!

The view outside my balcony apartment...

Last night we were over at Ella's house to celebrate her Dad's birthday. It was fun, we had the karaoke going all night. This is Aileen, Susan, Pinky and Jamie.

Above is Anton and her son, Ian (I think that is his name), PInky and Edwin.

Jehlee arrived a little later with Joel, and this is Pinky, Jehlee and Susan.
She's due at the end of May!

Me, Pinky, Jehlee and Susan. I have lost a little bit of weight, though you can't tell from this picture since I'm all covered up. I am down to size 12, from size 18! I was big, and now all my clothes are too big. I was able to pull up some of my older pants and start wearing them again!

Pinky was so happy that Aaron was doing Karaoke. This one's with Jamie.

Then she and Dennis started singing Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang and Pinky was already drunk so she was horsing around in this picture. It was still good to see them both perform though....

Whew, I am so glad aaron's hands are on her shoulder, not her butt!

Mia is so cute - she's sick right now with the cold - which everyone has...but she was doing ok when this picture was taken.
So right now, i am editing my dissertation and hoping to turn in a final by this weekend. It has kept me very busy but in a good way. I had a rough week this week but got to spend time with my friend Pam Friday to relax and unwind. Then the next day my Craft group and I went to Bellingham to go supplies shopping at various stores. I spent way more than I thought I would but I also hadn't spent any money on crafts in months.
I think that when my schoolwork is done, I am going to be able to go back to crafting again, which is my first love anyways. I can't wait for this to happen! I am so excited that I am going to be done with School soon!