It's official! THE PREZ OBAMA!

Pam and I attended the inauguration at Triple Door this morning -it was early, had to be there by 8 am. We both took the day off today so mimosas were in order. It was so much fun to watch it with other people. Lots of cheering going on, some booing when Cheney and Bush were shown. But who cares about them, we have a new President! The parts I loved the best -- everything, but especially memorable was the funny quote offered by the pastor - Rev. Jeffrey Holmes???? I hope I got his name right - "Black is back, brown can stick around, and yellow is never mellow!" I don't know if I got that right, since we were laughing so hard...Where else can you hear that during an inauguration? I loved the spirit of inclusion, the diversity, the challenges and vision he presented. I am so proud to be an American today. Yes we did!

A TV capture of the swearing in on the big screen at Triple Door....

Pam and me at the Inauguration Party. Note she is wearing pearls in honor of Michelle Obama!

This was on the walk home, we posed by the KOMO event, which was at the Paramount.
So cool to be able to "be" there!
